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Oxford Target Therapeutics is a pioneering biotech company based in Oxford, UK, with a core focus on drug discovery for innovative cancer therapies. Our in-house drug discovery capabilities serve as the backbone of our efforts to revolutionise cancer treatment. By leveraging cutting-edge research and scientific advancements, we are dedicated to unearthing novel drug candidates that target the Anaphase-Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C) pathway, a crucial and unique mechanism involved in cancer progression. OTT has a robust and dynamic drug discovery process in place. This allows us to independently design and develop promising drug candidates, from early discovery stages to preclinical and clinical development.

Our strengths

Clear Strategy

We have a clear strategy of focusing on discovering and developing novel oncology drugs and entering into corporate deals with pharma companies for finalising development and commercialisation.

R&D Capabilities

OTT has extensive drug discovery IP and capabilities, leveraging our network of collaborators, institutions and experts to advance our drugs to the inflection point.

Experienced Team

Our company is young, but we have the experience and come from the pharma & biotech industry, science/medicine and finance. We have an entrepreneurial culture and a large network.

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We care

Our Vision & Values

OTT's vision is to become a successful biotech company with disruptive treatments to help millions of cancer sufferers around the world, capitalising on partnerships and delivering value to our shareholders.

We value Patient-Centricity, Scientific Excellence, Integrity and Ethics, Collaboration and Partnership, Empowerment and Diversity, Sustainability and Social Responsibility. We believe that success is driven by good people and diversity focusing on talent and experience. We are driven by passion and professionalism.

Power of Collaboration: Accelerating Development

OTT understands the power of partnerships and embraces a collaborative approach to drug development. We recognize that approximately 30-40% of drugs in the pipelines of major pharmaceutical companies are licensed from biotech counterparts. By partnering with pharma companies, we navigate with strength in drug development, maximize success rates, and ultimately deliver life-changing treatments to those who need them most.

oncology cancer therapeutics pipeline company new drugs

Leadership & Management


At the helm of OTT stands an exceptional Leadership & Management Team, guided by experience and vision. Our Board of Directors brings strategic insight, driving our mission to revolutionize cancer therapy. Collaborating with us, is our esteemed Scientific Advisory Board, comprised of renowned experts in oncology and drug development. Together, they empower our dynamic Management Team, fueling the engine of innovation that propels OTT forward.

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drug development company- new drugs

The origin of our name

Once upon a time in the heart of Oxford, England, a group of brilliant minds united with a common purpose: to pioneer a new era in cancer therapy. They embarked on a quest to discover novel drugs, hitting their targets with precision and unlocking hope for patients worldwide. Thus, Oxford Target Therapeutics (OTT) was born - a beacon of innovation and transformative solutions in the fight against cancer. With determination in their hearts and cutting-edge research at their fingertips, the journey to develop life-changing therapeutics had begun, marking the world of oncology with the promise of brighter tomorrows.